German class students went to Engineering Campus of USM one day.
Waited for bus.
ここは School Of Languagues,Literacies And Translation.本と小さいですね。
Main CampusのはEngineering Campusよりおおきいです。
This is School Of Languagues,Literacies And Translation.Really a small place.USM main campus's is bigger than this
わたしたちは würste(German special sausages)をつくりました。
We did würste(German special sausages).
成分:野菜、パン、würste(German special sausages),chilly sauce
Ingredients:vegetables.bread,German sausages and chilly sauce
第一、野菜を洗って。First, wash the vegetables.
興奮していました、初めてのつくるから。We were so excited as this was the first time we did it.
それから、おなかがすきました、食堂にいきました。Then, we felt hungry and we went to cafe.
食堂はちょっとおおきいです。That cafe was a bit bigger.
この食卓はきれいでしたね。This table is special and beautiful.
この食べ物もおいしくて、やすいです。これは 卵、ポテトとnugget.
Food here was tasty and cheap.This were fried egg,potatoes and nugget.
This tree is special and the buildings are beautiful.
This university compound was very quiet,we hardly could see people walked past here.
写真:mei juan, me and caroline
バーベキューをしました。We did barbeque.
わあ。。。たくさん野菜がありました。Wah,many vegetables!
mei juanは würsteをつくりました。meijuan was doing würste.
Tada!!これはおいしかったwürste。よかったですね。These were tasty würste,really nice.
とてもおいしいです。Very delicious.
たのしかったです。So fun!