Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Perseverance Businessman - Mr.Tan

1951年は貧乏世紀でした。1951年、タンさんは生まれました。タンさんは大きい家族で成長しました。子供の時、タンさんは独立しました。毎朝、この子供はうちを掃除しました。そして、両親に家事を手伝いました。誰も子供を教えません。今、子供は成熟する男になります。タン ジョ ホンーさんはビジネスマンです。タピオカ澱粉の国際貿易を行っています。
1951 was a poor century. Mr.Tan was born in this year. Born in a big family, he was very independent since he was a child. Every morning he swept the floor and did house chores himself. Nobody taught him this. And now this little boy has grown to be a mature man, a successful businessman. He is doing international trade of tapioca starch.
Mr.Tan and family.

I: Mr.Tan, you were born in a poor and big family. I am sure life was harder and harder.

Mr.Tan: Yes, that time I had eleven siblings. Father’s income was not enough to support the whole family through his little salary. I knew that my parents were very busy and tired. Mother need to wash the clothes of whole family and cooked for all of us. Sometimes mother did not have time to look after us. I did not know what I can do. So, I just help to sweep floor and tidy up my own things and help to take care of younger brothers.

When Mr.Tan was small, he loved his father so much. His father was so gentle.

I: Did you complain the harsh life that time?

Mr.Tan: I did not have time to think of it. Last time I was not smart. I tried my best to learn in school. After my father’s death, I did not study anymore. I was 17 years old that time. I worked in father’s factory with uncle. All the bitterness and sourness only buried in heart.

                                                  Tapioca starch in Mr.Tan's factory.

I: How did you become a businessman from a young man?

Mr.Tan: After father’s death I worked very hard and learned as many things as I could. Father’s death was really a sad memory to me. I love father so much. I learnt a lot of things in doing business. Although uncle was very strict and liked to scold people, I still did my work properly. I grabbed the chance to meet with people and business partners. 
I: Did you face any challenges when you were young?

I: ビジネスをした時、他の大きい会社の社長は僕を見下すことがありました。僕の会社は小さいからといっていました。大変でした。失望を感じました。難しかったけど、僕はたくさんがんばって学べました。
When dealing business, big company manager always looked down on me and said my company was small. I felt sad that time. Doing business was difficult that time. So I just learned through work although it was indeed uneasy.

I: Now what are your challenges being a successful businessman?

Mr.Tan: Life is stress. Every day I have to talk a lot and send mails to business partners from different countries. There were nights that I could not sleep well. I have to notice world news like climate and talk to business partners to exchange information. It was very tension when I have to do decision in facing the higher prices of stock. Negotiate with supplier is common to me. You have to get a cheap price to buy starch and manage to sell the starch to other companies. Trade needs experiences. It was physically and mentally tired.

I: What was your unforgettable experience?

When I was young, I injured in factory on my leg. The machine did not work properly and I got injured seriously. It was an unforgettable experience. I was nearly died. Luckily I was sent to hospital immediately. Very painful. It took me a month to recover. Even I discharged from hospital, I still felt pain and could not walk. I could just only lie on bed. 

成功したい、 たくさん忍耐力と努力は必要です。強い決心がいります。 
To be success, it needs a lot of perseverance and hard work. Determination is important.

I: what is the most important thing to be success?

It needs a lot of perseverance and hard work. You need to be determined. Success needs opportunity and fate. Prepare yourself always and be exposed to learn more things. Then you could be success when the chance is in front of you.

Photos taken from:


Unknown said...




Wen Ding said...

yea... the fighting spirit in mr. tan is great... i wish i can have that spirit... all the best to mr. tan and his family:)

shan shan said...

i learnt a lot after read Mr Tan's story...thanks for your sharing,happy girl^^

Janice said...

wah, when i read through Mr. Tan real life experience, it was really touching deep inside my heart. Im feel very proud of him. Somemore, he is not only did well in business, he also did well in family to become a good father. His sacrified is valueable, because now he gain the big successful in starch business and living happily with his all family members. Wish him all the best through his whole life.

Anonymous said...

wow..uncle is great!!

xinxin^^ said...

Learning from older people is a great experience to me.Their spirit is very strong to encourage us to move forward.

Mun said...

MR TAN は本当にすごいね!!生活は大変なのに、まだ良くにする!!!私はこの彼の話に感動した!!!

Sally said...

A very perceptual and inspiring real life story.
Perseverance and Determination ~ The key to Success is always my motto in life.
Keep it up gal, your interview with your dad did enlighten us.


Anonymous said...

keep learning + hard-working is very important in everyone's life..the life we are leading now is different from Mr Tan..the challenges are different, but the spirits that we need to achieve the goals in life are same~! thanks for your sharing~

Siew Teng said...

keep learning + hard-working is very important in everyone's life..the life we are leading now is different from Mr Tan..the challenges are different, but the spirits that we need to achieve the goals in life are same~! thanks for your sharing~

Anonymous said...

Good work, keep it, wanshing!

joo's notes_荆雨。春秋。 said...

life is a challenge. work hard to get through it. thanks for ur sharing.

hope&wish said...

Gambate!!!experiences win the life...perseverance fights against the hesitation...winner, we decide on our own...

myrika said...

お父さんの話を聞けてよかったですね。お父さん、すごいなあ。たくさんの苦労を乗り越えて、今があるのですね。お父さんは、成功するために"You need to be determined"といっています。「決断力(けつだんりょく)が必要だ」ということですね!

xinxin^^ said...
